Urban Form Lab (UFL): Social Urbanism

Urban Form Lab (UFL): Social Urbanism

UFL is a platform within the Center for Urban Design Innovation (CUDi), in the Department of Urban Design for collaborative engagements on issues of urban environment and their relation with urban form. It is envisaged as an autonomous, inter and multi-disciplinary space for critical debate, creative exploration and research by design. UFL is also seen as a bridging initiative encouraging the convergence of academia, industry, government and community for devising collective and cooperative ways of co-development to address contemporary problems and future prospects of our cities. Social Urbanism is one of the four tracks of inquiry in UFL. This track aims to understand and explore design processes that engage with everyday issues of less-catered communities in urban areas. The track investigates possibilities of formulating co-development strategies and proto-typical design ideas towards addressing critical aspects of such communities across the urban spectrum. Research-by-design explorations are in progress on various dimensions of urban space and their