- On 10 Jul 2021
Digital Methods
Workshop 1: July 10, 2021: Workshop on Digital Methods: Prof. Dr. Tarini Bedi
What are digital methods and how can you design a project on urban research and design using these methods? This workshop introduced participants to some key areas and approaches specifically to digital humanities and digital ethnography. We discussed how to design and implement a digital project on the city, as well as tools and resources for digital data collection, data analysis, and dissemination. We also addressed our specific moment and the transformations of research as the world faces COVID 19 to think about new and creative digital methodologies and of the challenges and complexities of these methods.
Selected Resources:
1. http://journalofdigitalhumanities.org/1-1/getting-started-in-digital-humanities-by-lisa-spiro/
2. https://www.press.uillinois.edu/books/catalog/48xfp2zp9780252042270.html
3. http://dhresourcesforprojectbuilding.pbworks.com/w/page/69244319/Digital%20Humanities%20Tools
4. Edgar Gomez Cruz (2016) Trajectories: digital/visual data on the move. Visual Studies 31(4):335-343
5. Delli Paoli, A., D’Auria, V. (2021). Digital Ethnography: A Systematic Literature Review. [Italian Sociological Review, 11 (4S), 243-267] http://dx.doi.org/10.13136/isr.v11i4S.
6. Allison Hahn (2020) Nomadic Digital Ethnography and Engagement. Nomadic Peoples 24:299-311
7. Sarah Pink (2012) Situating Everyday Life: Practices and Places. Sage Publications Ltd.